LEARN (Leaders Equipping And Resourcing Network) Global recognizes the need for spiritual development in every Christian believer's life. To assist in this development, responsibility leans on Christian leaders to teach accurate biblical doctrine so that the church will imitate Jesus Christ both within the local and international context.
However, in many parts of the world poverty, unstable politics, along with the growth of false teaching, has increased the challenge for the Christian leader. LEARN Global aims to assist in developing and resourcing Christian leaders so that they can teach and explain the Bible accurately and confidently. LEARN Global, therefore, promotes and strengthens effective discipleship through the local Church that will strengthen Christian values in individuals, families, churches, and society as a whole.
Our Work
LEARN Global delivers a bespoke electronic platform designed to advance personal and communal theological development. Operating as Web and Android applications (Apps), the platform allows the scholar to engage with carefully selected Christian resources at their own pace with all the convenience of an e-reader. Other functions include reading plans, multiple Bible versions, Bible dictionaries, sermon creation and much more (read more on the Apps page).
LEARN Global recognizes study support is essential and consequently a learner’s progress can be monitored and tested remotely. The platform also protects the copyright of resources through digital encryption along with restricting operation to authorized users.
Our History
SIM National Review:
‘The Church in Zimbabwe is hurting due to many heretical religious movements, harsh economic conditions, and an uncertain future…
SIM Zimbabwe should focus on bringing healing to the church and community through life-changing discipleship, paying special attention to: relevant Christian education, empowering youth and children’s ministries, reaching out to vulnerable populations, reaching out to the least reached.'
LEARN Project is birthed to support Christian leaders in their ministry. Challenges include: identifying relevant required resources, copyright protection, operation, costings, suitable software platform, hardware, delivery.
N. Ireland software developer begins the LEARN Android app to include ebook reader, integrated Bible and reading plans. Securing copyright of resources and viewing of usage data is essential.
LEARN app version 1 is completed and installed on computer tablets. Pilot delivered in two regions in Zimbabwe (Harare and Mutare) to x87 Christian leaders. Feedback is extremely positive.
LEARN Global becomes a registered limited company and applies for charity status. This enables LEARN Global to offer the best value e.g. bulk buying computer tablets, better delivery rates etc. and ensures more Christian leaders benefit from our services.
LEARN app is developed further integrating Bible dictionaries, sermons etc. Web App developed to deliver the same features on any Internet-enabled device.
x110 pastor study packs delivered to additional regions in Zimbabwe in March 2020. x400 packs to be issued throughout the year.
Rollouts to Zimbabwe have continued despite the ongoing pandemic. Over fifty Christian leaders in Mashonaland Central received their electronic study packs earlier this year. The LEARN Zimbabwe team delivered training and issued electronic study packs in Mashonaland East in September and Masvingo in December.
The LEARN Outreach app began development. Aimed at oral and visual learners, this Android app provides an interactive Bible, a full library of audio and video resources as well as ebook and PDF, playlists, and statistics for our partners to review. It can access a microSD card filled with content and works offline on a low-powered Android phone or tablet.
LEARN Global added Christianity Explored East Africa, Southern Africa Church Planting Initiative, and Quest Academy International as partners this year along with SIM Paraguay (along with Grupo de Grabaciones en Guaraní (GGG)) and Langham Preaching by the end of the year, God-willing. Our technology stack now includes LEARN Meetings for secure online video conferencing directly within the LEARN Study app, an audio narrator feature, and multiple translations including English, Spanish, and Arabic.
Our Team

Peter Hewitt

Geoff Donaldson
Join Our Team
Do you have information technology skills? Are you a committed Christian? Are you searching for a way to serve God with your talents?
LEARN Global is actively recruiting dedicated volunteers to assist with our development and support teams. We have a minimum of x3 roles that you could undertake that would make a real difference around the world.
If your skill set matches any of these roles or you feel you have what it takes to enhance our mission, then please contact us today.
Mission-Minded Software Support Agent:
LEARN Global Ltd. offers several software applications that assist Christian leaders in self-study and access a range of Christian resources and activities. The LEARN Android app and LEARN Web apps include an interactive Bible, reading plans, sermon creation, and many other features. An overview of LEARN Global can be obtained at www.churchleaderslearn.org
We need help managing incoming support requests, providing general advice, and communicating with our developers to solve outstanding issues. Training will be provided on how the systems work. The candidate must have their own computer and Internet access. This role is unsalaried and would best suit individuals who are financially self-supporting and would be willing to assist LEARN Global. Consideration will be given to applicants living outside the UK.
- Work in an osTicket support system environment to manage support requests
- Communicate with clients and LEARN Global staff and volunteers via email and WhatsApp
- Help solve common issues and provide guidance
- Work with developers to raise support issues
- Excellent communication skills and willingness to work in a team environment
- Ability to operate a relatively simple ticket support system
- Be able to understand and reply to a wide range of support requests from users across the world (in English)
Hours - Part-time, to be discussed
Mission-Minded Android Java Developer:
LEARN Global offers several software applications that assist Christian leaders in self-study and access a range of Christian resources and activities. The LEARN Android app includes an interactive Bible, reading plans, sermon creation, and many other features.
We need an Android developer with Java experience to assist in maintaining, supporting, and developing the application. Training will be provided on how the systems work. The candidate must have their own computer and Internet access. This role is unsalaried and would best suit individuals who are financially self-supporting and would be willing to assist LEARN Global. Consideration will be given to applicants outside the UK, however, a sound understanding of the English language would be required.
- Design and build advanced applications for the Android platform
- Collaborate with cross-functional teams to define, design, and ship new features
- Work with outside data sources and APIs
- Unit-test code for robustness, including edge cases, usability, and general reliability
- Work on bug fixing and improving application performance
- Continuously discover, evaluate, and implement new technologies to maximize development efficiency
- Proven software development experience and Android skills development
- Experience with Android Studio
- Experience working with remote data via REST APIs and JSON
- Solid understanding of the full mobile development life cycle
- Background in Java
- Knowledge of HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and integration with WebViews
Hours - Part-time, to be discussed
Mission-Minded Web App Developer:
LEARN Global Ltd. offers several software applications that assist Christian leaders in self-study and access a range of Christian resources and activities. The LEARN Android app and LEARN Web apps include an interactive Bible, reading plans, sermon creation, and many other features. An overview of LEARN Global can be obtained at www.churchleaderslearn.org
We need a web app developer to assist in maintaining, supporting, and developing these applications. Training will be provided on how the systems work. The candidate must have their own computer and Internet access. This role is unsalaried and would best suit individuals who are financially self-supporting and would be willing to assist LEARN Global.
- Design and build advanced web applications that can also run within the Android platform using a WebView
- Collaborate with cross-functional teams to define, design, and ship new features
- Work with outside data sources and APIs
- Unit-test code for robustness, including edge cases, usability, and general reliability
- Work on bug fixing and improving application performance
- Continuously discover, evaluate, and implement new technologies to maximize development efficiency
- Proven software development experience
- Experience with vanilla JavaScript and jQuery
- Experience working with remote data via REST APIs and JSON
- Solid understanding of the full web app development life cycle
- Knowledge of HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and integration with Android WebViews
Hours - Part-time, to be discussed
Our Beliefs
There is one God who exists eternally in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God is the almighty Creator, Saviour, and Judge who governs all things according to His sovereign will and accomplishes His purposes through creation and in the Church to His glory.
The Father
God the Father is the source of all that is good. He initiates creation and redemption which He accomplishes through His Son and the Holy Spirit.
The Son
Jesus Christ, both fully God and fully man, entered history as Saviour of the world. He was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, and lived an exemplary, sinless life in perfect submission to the Father and in loving relationships with others. He died on a cross, rose bodily, and ascended to heaven where He mediates for His people and is exalted as Lord of all.
The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit makes the work of Christ effective to sinners, giving spiritual life and placing them into the Church. He indwells all believers, empowers them to love, serve, witness, and obey God, equips them with gifts, and transforms them to be increasingly like Christ.
Humanity is the pinnacle of God's earthly creation, who were created to bear His image, have a relationship with Him, and are the object of His redeeming love. All people have sinned. This results in guilt, death, and alienation from God as well as the defacing of every aspect of human nature. People are unable to save themselves from sin’s penalty and power and from Satan’s dominion.
Christ's sacrificial death, which He willingly bore the punishment due to sinners, is the only and all-sufficient basis of God's provision of salvation for all people of every culture and age which expressed His love and satisfied His justice. By God's grace the repentant sinner, through trusting alone in the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour, is put right with God, adopted by the Father into His family and receives eternal life
The Bible, consisting of the Old and New Testaments, is God's written Word, revealing for all peoples His character and purposes. It is the final authority in all matters relating to belief and behaviour. The Holy Spirit moved the human authors of the Bible so that what they wrote is inspired, fully reliable, and without error in all it affirms.
The Church
The universal Church is made up of all who have placed their trust in Christ’s sacrifice resulting in being born of the Spirit. It finds local expression in communities of believers called by God to worship, fellowship, proclaim the Gospel, and make disciples among all peoples, reflect God’s character, engage in works of compassion, contend for truth and justice, and celebrate baptism and communion.
The Spirit World
The holy angels are personal spirit beings who glorify God, serve Him, and minister to His people. Satan is a spiritual being who was created by God but fell through sin. He, along with other evil spirits, is the enemy of God and humanity, has been defeated by the work of Christ, is subject to God’s authority and faces eternal condemnation.
The Future
The Lord Jesus Christ will visibly return to the earth in glory and accomplish the final triumph over evil. God will make everything new. The dead will be raised and judged. Unbelievers will suffer eternal punishment in separation from God; believers will enter a life of eternal joy in fellowship with God, glorifying Him forever.
Our Publishers & Supporters
LEARN Global works closely with different publishers whose expertise includes IT development, book publishing, in-country assistance, and financial aid. We thank them for their support and would like to hear from interested parties who could assist our mission. Learn more about our publishers and supporters on our Partners page.
Our Partners
LEARN Global looks to work with partners whose desire is to see the church grow as a result of receiving sound biblical teaching. Please contact us if you are interested in becoming a LEARN Global partner. Learn more about our publishers and supporters on our Partners page.
Our Commission
The Great Commission of The Lord Jesus Christ commanded to go into all the world (Matthew 28:19-20). Therefore, LEARN Global offers the platform to organizations throughout the world despite the language. As the platform can operate independently of internet access, usage is not confined to internet proficient countries, however, for feedback from users and future updating, limited internet access is required.
At present we are working with the church in the continent of Africa but are actively working towards expanding into eastern Europe and beyond. Please contact us if you are interested in becoming a LEARN Global partner.