Frequently Asked Question

My name is incorrect in the app. How can I change it?
Last Updated 2 years ago

Firstly, please accept our apologies. Sometimes human error in inputting can result in misspellings.

Please contact us with the correct details before following the instructions below. These apply to the Android app only.

Versions (Code 34) and above

  1. Open the app and on the Portal screen tap the three vertical dots at the top right and select Settings
  2. Enter your name under User Name
  3. Tap the back button to save
  4. Sync to update the details to LEARN

Versions less than (Code 34)

  1. Connect to the Internet and Sync
  2. On the Portal screen tap the three vertical dots at the top right and select About app
  3. On the About app screen note your Device Serial number
  4. Scroll down to the bottom and tap Reset User Data
  5. Tap OK to confirm
  6. The app will reset and eventually show the registration screen
  7. If the Serial number is different than step 3 enter it here
  8. Tap Next
  9. Your name should be shown correctly. If not change it and contact LEARN later to correct it
  10. Tap Next
  11. Sync the app. This should be brief
  12. The app will now show the correct details

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